Summer is here and it’s time to celebrate stripes and stars. There’s no
better way to celebrate arrival of summer sun and patriotic mood than
with fresh flowers. Send smiles to friends and family with truly
original flower arrangements from This pioneering online florist and gift store is popular for its heart-stopping bouquets and gift baskets that can’t fail.
Here are some 1800 Flowers gifts picked from this section:
Magnificent Pink Rose & Lily Bouquet
With an artist’s touch, this perfectly pink bouquet of one dozen hot
pink roses and nine soft pink, multi-bloomed Asiatic lilies paints a
beautiful portrait that will deliver smiles every time.
The American Dream Bouquet Trio
A triple salute to the U.S.A. Celebrate patriotic pride with a an
exclusive set of three hand-designed arrangements, each made with
freshest white daisies and red mini carnations. It is creatively crafted
for a tabletop or mantel by expert florists inside a cobalt blue glass
pyramid vase and available at a terrific value.
Impress someone special with inevitable arrangement of flowers that are
nothing but gorgeous. You can even send these lovely blooms to someone
as special birthday or anniversary wish. Get inside...
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